Friday, December 28, 2007

Praise for "All Guts and No Glory" by Wayne Flynt

"Bill Elder's memoir combines the three most powerful and sacred elements of Alabama folk culture: sports, religion, and race. Based on his experiences as basketball coach of Northeast State Junior College when he recrutied the school's first black student-athletes during the racially charged 1970s, Elder reminds us how harrowing those years were for racial iconoclasts in places such as Scottsboro and on Sand Mountain. His strength is recognizing paradox when he sees it: the evangelical religious values that provoked him to challenge segregation while different religious values caused his Southern Baptist brethren to ostracize him; college faculty and administrators who encouraged his martyrdom while running for cover themselves; sports offering opportunities for blacks that churches rejected. Memoirs like Elder's entirely new vistas into the civil rights struggles after laws were changed but hearts stayed pretty much the same." - Wayne Flynt, Distinguised University Professor, Auburn University


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